Pet tarantula care sheetTarantulas are really easy to maintain in captivity, requiring
exceptionally low maintenance, making them a truly undemanding pet arachnid. Below we will go over the few key components of their care, in simple terms with descriptive explanations.
We will explore housing, substrates, watering, temperature, humidity, and food. Once you finish reading our simple tarantula guide, you’ll be fully prepared and ready to go!
HousingPet tarantulas don’t require much space, so please don’t make the mistake of providing a large enclosure. Their cage should be approximately 3-4 times their legspan, so if you have a 3-inch tarantula, something in the 9-12 inch range is completely adequate.
Most tarantulas are terrestrial, meaning they are ground-dwellers. One thing to keep in mind is that it’s really dangerous for tarantulas to fall to the ground—a 2-3 foot freefall can actually result in their demise due to their thin exoskeleton walls.
Make absolutely sure the cage is secure. A lid that simply lays on top of the cage is not good enough. I’ve had tarantulas squeeze through holes 1/4” in diameter. We recommend Exo Terra Faunariums, as the lids snap on, and they have easy access ports for feeding and watering. Small custom enclosures can work well too.
These kits work very well for young tarantulas 2-inches and smaller.
Feel free to add decorations, although they aren’t necessary. Tarantulas generally don’t climb much, but one thing you should include is a hide spot. There are many varieties available, ranging from custom caves to flower pots turned upside down with a hole cut into the side. Some tarantulas prefer to dig burrows, which is fine, but it’s still a good idea to offer a hide spot.
Make absolutely sure you only keep one tarantula per enclosure. Even if well fed, and with separate hides, they will usually fight, and one may be killed and eaten as a result. Not pretty. Breeding them is another discussion entirely.
No lighting is necessary as tarantulas are nocturnal by nature. Does it get any easier than this?